Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Intelligent, Intriguing Brochures: Your Salesperson in Every Situation

Print marketing can have a significant impact on prospects and customers.

While a website or digital ad has just a few seconds to capture a visitor's attention, printed pieces like brochures give people the time and space they crave. 

The Importance of High-Quality Brochures for Your Business

Here are a few reasons your business can benefit from a top-notch brochure.

Brochures are Accessible

Did you know that 69% of consumers find it easier to process and understand information from printed material?

Well-designed brochures are a "front and center" piece for good reason. They are portable and offer an ideal medium to give people an efficient but memorable overview of the benefits your products and services bring. From menus to spec sheets, brochures support your sales teams and offer no-fuss content at the right moment.

Brochures Slow the Pace

Brochures have stood the test of time for one vital reason: they exist in the real world.

Brochures are physical and tactile, which resonates with the human spirit. People love having something they can hold and digest at their own pace. Brochures are designed to let the reader browse, focus, and weigh various options without feeling pressured. 

Brochures Add Credibility

Whether showcasing products, detailing services, or highlighting achievements, brochures serve as powerful tools in establishing a business's credibility and reputation in the eyes of its audience.

In an era inundated with digital content, brochures stand out as physical artifacts that convey a sense of authenticity and substance. Comprehensive information and quality printing communicate that the business is committed to attention to detail and excellence in its operations.

Brochures Stick Around

Ads that are out of sight are quickly out of mind.

Want to share a message that sticks? Elegant printed brochures offer a practical way to keep your information at your customers' fingertips. Brochures delivered through door-drop marketing can stay in a house for 38 days, and 23% of these get circulated among family members.

Lose the Limitations

Brochures offer ample space – from traditional tri-folds to a tabbed booklet-style brochure.

Get creative with checklist instructional brochures, timeline or infographic pieces, classy insert-style pieces, or mini brochures that can be folded and mailed as postcards.

Ready to get started? Our custom brochures offer flexibility for extended content and creative layouts that feature your one-of-a-kind identity. Contact us today for details! 864-882-3609 www.PrintitinColor.com 

Friday, April 26, 2024

From Protection to Promotion: The 3 Levels of Packaging

Your company’s packaging design plays a vital role in your marketing efforts.

Most American consumers (72%) agree that a product’s packaging design influences their purchasing decisions. Therefore, investing in quality design and materials can help customers easily recognize your products and distinguish them from the competition. 

One way to focus your efforts when creating effective and memorable packaging is to think through the three levels of packaging: primary, secondary, and tertiary. 

What to Know About the 3 Levels of Packaging

Read on to learn about each level and how it can help you promote and protect your products.

1. Primary Packaging

Primary packaging is the initial container that directly holds the product itself.

The fundamental goal of primary packaging is to preserve and protect the product, ensuring that it reaches the customer in its ideal condition. Examples include the can or bottle of a beverage, the bag containing potato chips, or the cardboard box that a blender comes in. 

The primary packaging has multiple purposes: the design should identify the product, share best-before dates or nutritional facts, and help your product stand out on the shelves. 

Additionally, it’s essential to consider the materials from which your primary packaging is made. In recent years, consumers have become increasingly interested in sustainability, with 83% of consumers considering it as a critical factor in their buying decisions

2. Secondary Packaging

Secondary packaging goes either outside of or around the primary packaging.

Secondary packaging serves a primarily functional purpose, protecting the primary packaging and the products inside while making transportation easier. Examples include the cardboard carton surrounding a 12-pack of soda cans or the plastic wrap around a case of water bottles. 

Secondary packaging is a great way to create multi-packs, allowing customers to buy your products in bulk. Still, it can be more challenging to incorporate your personal branding or creative design elements. However, there are still ways you can make your secondary packaging eye-catching and recognizable: consider using a material that matches one of your brand colors or printing your company logo onto it.

3. Tertiary Packaging

Tertiary packaging is even more functionality-focused than secondary packaging, as it is the one type typically never seen by customers on the sales floor. 

Tertiary packaging examples include crates, shipping containers, boxes, and plastic-wrapped pallets. Tertiary packaging does not provide opportunities for promotion, unlike primary and secondary packaging, so you should instead focus on ensuring that your tertiary packaging is made of sturdy materials that will help protect the quality of your products.

Understanding and optimizing the three levels of packaging enhances your marketing strategy and elevates your brand's presence in the marketplace. Visit our company's website today or contact us to learn more ways to bring success to your company through print. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Power of Promotional Products

When it comes to marketing, it makes sense to invest creatively and effectively. In 2022, on average, companies spent about 9.5% of their total revenue on marketing budgets.

Promotional products represent a strategic option, with 85% of people saying they are more likely to do business with a company after receiving such items. These products range from everyday items to unique gifts, all customizable with your company’s logo, slogan, or colors. They come in various sizes and styles to meet diverse needs and budgets, making them a versatile choice for enhancing brand visibility and engagement.

3 Major Benefits of Promotional Products

Read on to learn some of the best promotional product benefits!

1. Brand Visibility

The first significant benefit of using promotional products is increasing your brand visibility.

Whether you think of it as brand visibility, brand recognition, customer awareness, or simple advertising, handing out products that carry your company’s logo, name, or colors will create more opportunities for everyday consumers to encounter your company.

Promotional products can be given away at career fairs, trade shows, company events, or even in-store to spread brand visibility through your employees and potential customers.

Whenever someone sees your company name or logo, whether posted on a full-sized billboard or printed onto someone's water bottle, it still serves to spread the word about your brand and familiarize more consumers with it. 

2. Customer Loyalty

Although marketing campaigns often focus on catching the interest of new, prospective customers, it’s also essential to maintain contact with your existing customers.

One way to do this is by supplying them with a useful item they will continue using daily. Each time they use that tote bag, coffee mug, pen, or water bottle, they will be reminded of your company. This practice establishes a more personal connection with your customers, keeping your company fresh on their minds and making them feel more cared about by your company.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing

Promotional items are highly cost-effective marketing tools, offering long-term exposure and brand reinforcement.

These items are typically retained for long periods, providing continuous brand reminders to users and those around them. Moreover, the cost per impression for promotional items is generally low, as they are frequently used and visible to a broad audience. Additionally, these products are highly customizable, allowing size, quality, and type adjustments to fit various budgets, further enhancing their flexibility and appeal in marketing strategies.
Visit our website today to connect with us for personal assistance creating high-quality promotional material and any other marketing needs you might have! www.PrintitinColor.com 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

5 Tips for Incorporating Storytelling into Print Marketing

Everyone resonates with a good story. Whether funny, sad, or utterly ridiculous, stories have a unique power to stick with us forever.

Your company's story is no exception. It has the potential to captivate, inspire, and drive action. Research shows that people remember stories 22 times better than facts. So, why not leverage the power of storytelling in your business marketing? 

5 Strategies for Integrating Storytelling into Your Print Marketing

Sharing your company's story has the power to build, grow, restore, empower, and connect. Here are five ways to start incorporating storytelling into your print marketing. 

1. Company Origin

Share the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your company's beginnings.

Add a unique twist or perspective to make your story stand out. Include images to bring your story to life and connect with your audience visually.

2. Testimonials

Let your satisfied customers speak for you to gain buy-in and credibility!

By using testimonials of happy customers, you gain the trust of the skeptical future customer by not seeming as pushy or direct in your marketing tactic but more conversational and casual, much like a word-of-mouth referral.

When collecting the testimonials, ask if you can include a picture. Putting a real face to your reviews makes them even more reliable and authentic.

3. Case Studies

Case studies are not just for peer-reviewed journals. 

They are excellent for gaining customer trust and credibility when showcasing your expertise and success. Use visuals like graphs and charts to support your claims. Keep it simple and focused to avoid overwhelming your audience with information. 

4. Be Authentic

"No legacy is so rich as honesty," a poignant quote by Shakespeare, is an excellent reminder that you must be true to your story and avoid exaggeration or fabrication.

Authenticity builds trust, and over 85% of people are more likely to support honest brands.

5. End with a Call to Action

End your story with a clear call to action.

Whether it's a QR code for more information or a coupon code for a discount, give your audience a reason to take the next step.

Storytelling within your marketing is a potent tool that can be used to connect and grow relationships with customers, build trust, and increase sales. In the words of Seth Godin, American author and marketing strategist, Remember, "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." 

Contact our print marketing professionals to begin creating compelling and memorable marketing campaigns that leverage the power of storytelling. 864-882-3609 www.PrintitinColor.com

Friday, April 5, 2024

Top 10 Reasons Why Packaging Is Important in Brand Building

Packaging is like the silent hero of brand building, quietly shaping perceptions.

While companies hustle with advertising and promos, packaging silently weaves brand identities. In today's competitive market, packaging reigns supreme. It shields the product and wields marketing magic. 

Discover the Top 10 Reasons Why Packaging Rules in Brand Building

First Impression

Packaging is often the first touchpoint that consumers have with a brand.

It is your chance to make a positive and memorable first impression on potential customers. A well-designed and attractive package can grab their attention and entice them to learn more about your product.


Packaging can be the differentiating factor for your brand in a sea of similar products.

A unique and eye-catching package design can make your product stand out on store shelves and create a lasting impression on consumers.

Brand Identity

Packaging is an excellent way to express your brand's identity and values to consumers.

The colors, fonts, and imagery used on the package convey the brand's personality and help customers connect with it on a deeper level.

Brand Recognition

Consistent packaging design across all products can help create brand recognition.

When consumers see your distinctive packaging, they will immediately associate it with your brand and products, making it easier for them to identify and choose your products in the future.

Consumer Trust

Packaging can also build consumer trust in your brand.

A well-designed package that displays essential information such as ingredients, nutrition facts, and certifications can instill confidence in consumers about your product's quality and safety.

Shelf Appeal

In a crowded retail environment, the packaging is your product's best chance to stand out and grab consumers' attention.

Good packaging can create shelf appeal and entice customers to pick up and examine your product.

Marketing Tool

Packaging has now become an effective marketing tool for brands.

It can serve as a mini billboard that showcases your brand's message, values, and unique selling points. It can also include promotional offers or call-to-actions to encourage customers to try your product.

Brand Extension

Packaging plays a crucial role in brand extension strategies.

With the right packaging design, a brand can introduce new products under the same umbrella and leverage its existing brand equity to generate sales.


Besides its marketing benefits, packaging also serves a practical purpose: protecting the product during storage and transportation.

A sturdy and well-designed package can prevent damage and ensure the product reaches consumers in good condition.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Packaging is not just about aesthetics; it can also create a positive customer experience.

Customers who receive a well-packaged product are likelier to share their experience, which can lead to positive word-of-mouth marketing for your brand.

Packaging is not just about protecting the product; it is a powerful marketing tool that can create a lasting impression on consumers and drive sales. Brands that understand the importance of packaging and invest in it can reap the benefits of increased brand recognition, consumer trust, and loyalty. 

Don't overlook the power of packaging in your brand-building strategy. Contact us to learn how we can help create a distinctive and effective packaging design for your products. Let us help you make a lasting impression on consumers and stand out in a crowded marketplace. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Add Some Sizzle with 4 Unique May Marketing Promos

If you’ve ever thrown yourself headlong into a spring-cleaning overhaul, you know the explosive power a little added sunshine can bring.

As April showers bring May flowers, people are ready to move, make decisions, and yes . . . to SPEND. According to the Forbes 2023 Spending Breakdown, people were especially excited to spend money on vehicles and parts, building materials and gardening supplies, food and beverages, and all kinds of Do-It-Yourself projects last May.

If you’re looking to boost business and energize your spring marketing, consider these themes.

Small Business Week (April 28-May 4, 2024)

Did you know National Small Business Week happens annually in the first week of May?

Raise awareness about your small business and celebrate the hard-working team behind you. Consider running a deal-a-day for the week, printing coupons that can only be redeemed May 2-8, or offering onsite contests, classes, or special events.

Increase exposure with advanced postcards, spring sale QR code mailers, or other relevant hashtags (like #nationalsmallbusinessweek) to spread your message.

Kentucky Derby Day (May 4, 2024)

The Derby is a wonderful way to energize your May kickoff if you love color.

From big heels to floppy hats, harness the horsepower to do something fun with your spring marketing. Consider horse-themed decorations, “sprint to the savings” sales, and derby-themed promotions, decorations, and giveaways.

Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10, 2024)

Everyone loves to be noticed, and teachers are no exception.

When Target launched its exclusive offer giving teachers a 15% discount on select supplies, the three-day promotion garnered national media attention and hype on many teacher advocacy websites.

As many brands have discovered, creating exclusive promotions for teachers (or selling teacher appreciation items to people who love educators) can boost brand loyalty. Send a goodie bag from your business to a neighborhood school, offer teacher-specific savings, or create special “thank a teacher” gifts. Drum up sales with postcards, posters, and social media posts.

Mother’s Day (May 12, 2024)

Mother’s Day is a big day for US consumers.

According to the National Retail Foundation, consumers planned to spend $35.7 billion to celebrate it in 2023 (that’s around $274 per person!). 

How can you help your customers celebrate? Popular themes include self-care, pampering, a “well-deserved break,” a technology upgrade, or treating mothers to something they might not splurge for alone.

Slogans might include:

  • An extra surprise for mom

  • Give your mother something MORE

  • BOGO: Treat your mom, treat yourself!

  • Time Together: The Best Gift of All

  • Mother’s Day Plans? DONE.

  • Or (for procrastinators): CRISIS AVERTED (we’ve got last-minute gifts for mom)

From May Day baskets to Memorial Day BBQs, May is just FUN. Start planning now to create some May buzz around your business! Contact us today at 864-882-3609 or www.PrintitinColor.com to kickstart your marketing efforts and elevate your business presence.